Matthew Shong: 
The Epic Bear Man meme went viral in 2010 when a video called, “AC TRANSIT BUS FIGHT I AM A MOTHERF**KER”, was uploaded to the internet – generating over 1 million views in the first 24 hours. In this video, an Oakland resident, 67 year old Thomas Bruso dominates a scuffle between him and a younger black man over a racially heated argument. This video gained widespread popularity due to the fact that Thomas was wearing a t-shirt that read, “I AM A MOTHERF**KER”, and that he was able to win a fight against a significantly younger opponent on an AC Transit bus. Deemed as the “Epic Bear Man” by Anonymous before his identity was leaked, the name stuck and video responses and memes were generated all over 4chan using this name.

Another aspect of the video that led to an internet obsession over the term “amber lamps” and “M&M’s” was when the beaten up black male’s request, after the fight, to “bring the ambulance” is misheard and mistranslated as “bring amber lamps” or “bring M&M’s”. Pictures of amber shaded lights began popping up all over the internet and “Amber lamps” soon became the nickname given to a girl sitting on the bus during the fight who seemed unaffected by everything that was happening. A entire sub-meme thread was thus generated tying “Amber lamps” and the girl’s unaffected reaction to the fight between epic beard man and the younger black male. The popularity of this meme has gone down significantly over the last two years, but has recently gained renewed traction in the light of recent BART and AC Transit strikes.

Eric Hsieh:

Nyan Cat is an 8-bit animation of a cat with the body of a cherry pop tart flying through space, it was distributed in GIF format.
the nyan cat animation was originally posted on LOL-COMICS @ on April 2nd 2011. The drawing was based on prguitarman’s (the original artist) own cat, with suggestion to combine a cat and a pop tart. The animation was reblogged on tumblr.

On April 5th 2011, saraj00n posted the animation of nyan cat on Youtube with Nyanyanyanynaynaynaya by Urauloid Mono Momone as the background music. The video soon became popular on Youtube, and gained over 1 million views in about 8 days. The animation was later spread by others such as Facebook, collegehumor, and even went on to commercials.

Nyan cat further influenced designers to develop nyan cat games, and even some designers wrote codes for custom Windows/Apple OS status bars.

In my opinion, just looking at the image/animation of nyan cat itself is not "addicting". I think what makes it started to spread was that saraj00n added the animation along with the catchy Nyanyanyanynaynaynaya song. Looking at the history/time of the incident, the GIF image itself only gained 3000 notes; however, Youtube gained 1,000,000. For a repeated animation, it seems to help if it were coupled with a repeated soundtrack.

Tony Lin: 

The meme I have chosen for this assignment is the "Nyan Cat" meme, which went viral on the Internet in 2011. It was ranked number 5 for the most watched Youtube video from April, which it was uploaded by saraj00n, until the beginning of 2012. The Nyan Cat video is designed by using 8-bit animation with strawberry pop tart as its body while, as most people would say, “farting” rainbow in space. The song of the meme basically uses only a short excerpt from Japanese song “Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya” by a Japanese artist Daniwell and repeats it.

The video can be found here:

I think the reason why this became so popular has something to do with internet humor. No one on the internet was expecting someone to make a video like this. The reason why so some people liked the video may be because of the song, the nonsense, or even its cuteness. However, most people find it quite annoying and irritating. Because of this, some internet trolls found a new thing to play around with. They shared the video to other people or even social media to annoy others. Someone went as far as creating a 10 hour version of the video, which can be found here:

The Nyan cat meme would eventually be turned into games, accessories, and other products that can be found in stores. A website was even created for this to see how long a person have “nyaned”. Some of these games can even be found in App Store to download and play. The popularity of this meme has gone down quite a bit over the last two years, but new games are always being developed to keep the cat “alive".
Justine Law: 
The meme I have chosen for this assignment is the "ERMAHGERD" meme. What started as an innocent photo of a girl excited about a set of classic Goosebump books on the /r/funny section of Reddit, soon became a meme when a Reddit user placed Quickmeme text over it, with "retainer lisp" spellings, to show a humorous over-excitedness about books or other daily objects. I think what also pushed it to become so popular is simply the photo itself - it is simply just funny. Users can also easily come up with their own text to compliment the photo, since the stylized "retainer lisp" text is also entertaining in its own right.

This meme quickly gained popularity in the summer of 2012, and this popularity lasted until the beginning of 2013, making its way from Reddit to Funnyjunk to Tumblr and other sites.

As a direct result of the ERMAHGERD girl meme, ERMAHGERD animal memes have also come to the foreground. These animal variations usually have a very excited pet or animal, many times a very unattractive facial expression. It always starts with "ERMAHGERD," then the second half of the text explains what they are excited about.
Jenny Chen: 

For Assignment #5, I have chosen the meme “Pokemon Missingno.” The general concept of “Pokemon Missingno” is a glitch that occurred during the game, which introduced an oddly shaped “Pokemon.” Many fans have made fun of the “Missingno” Pokemon by saying that the number it identifies with the most is “0.”

An example of a “Missingno” Pokemon:

Some fans categorize the Pokemon “Missingno” as a dual-type of normal and flying. Ever since the Pokemon games came out (Pokemon Red and Blue) in 1998, fans have continuously made various memes about the glitch. Because of its popularity, various fans have even made “how-to” guides on how to catch the famous “Missingno.” This popularity still continues to this day, and even moreso, since the newest Pokemon games (X and Y) recently came out. 

A reason as to why this meme is so popular is because of the continuous obsession of catching every single Pokemon in the game. Even though "Missingno" is a glitch and not considered a legitimate Pokemon, many fans take it upon themselves to catch even "Missingno" to fulfill their mission. The fact that it is a glitch makes it all the more enticing and fun to pursue it. 

Examples include the following:

Kenneth Oetomo:

I have chosen to analyze the meme "It's Over 9000!" In 2006, a 4chan user by the name of Kajetokun uploaded a cut scene from the popular anime "Dragon Ball Z" where there exists characters with spiritual and supernatural powers. These powers can be measured by a "scouter" and in this particular scene, one of the characters measures the power level of another to be insanely high, "over 9000." Kajetokun uploaded the cutscene onto youtube and initially shared it with his friends as an inside joke, but afterwards one of his friends posted it on the /b/ forum of 4chan. The cutscene can be seen here

Dragon Ball Z or DBZ was an immensely popular cartoon among kids who grew up in the 1990s-2000s and as a result, many 4chan users, who fit that demographic, enjoyed the video. Within the following weeks, people began posting remixes such as Even popular youtubers such as freddieW recreated this scene in live action This meme reached its peak in 2008-2009 but was still brought up occasionally to evoke the nostalgia of DBZ. 4chan also notoriously used this meme in the trolling of Oprah into saying "over 9000 penises" on television as can be seen here,, at a time when Anonymous started to gain fame. In addition to the nostalgia, the number "over 9000" began to be used anytime there was an insane amount of something, for instance something's price tag or the amount of people who failed a test.

As of now, the popularity of this meme has diminished as it was perceived originally as an "inside joke" among DBZ fans. However, its burst into mainstream may have been what killed the meme as the exclusiveness of finding it funny no longer exists. Regardless, this meme has and will be regarded as a classic and is still brought up occasionally, albeit not with the same frequency as it was before.

Kenneth Do: 

For this assignment, I will be discussing the "Imma let you finish" (Kanye West) meme. This meme spiked in popularity and spread across the world immediately following the 2009 MTV Music Awards. During this event, Taylor Swift was giving an acceptance speech for "Best Female Video", and Kanye West unexpectedly came up and interrupted her. He then proceeded to state, "Yo Taylor, I’m really happy for you, Imma let you finish but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. One of the best videos of all time!" and immediately walked off the state. This event became a internet hit because of how surprising it was combined with the fact that Kanye West was the person who stated this. Leading up the this event, the public's perception of Kanye had been deteriorating in the sense that people thought he was becoming too arrogant. This event was the hay the broke the camel's back, and it solidified the publics perception of him.

This event and the details of it spread across the internet. It was widely covered by many social media mediums such as Facebook, Twitter, and social news websites such as TMZ. One of the more notable consequences of this event was the creation and immense popularity of the "Yo ____, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish but ________" meme. One of the main reasons why this meme grew so popular was because it was so applicable to many situations. This meme's that grew out of this had Kanye's picture at the ceremony photoshopped into any kinda of image along with the punchline. In addition, videos were made where the Kanye in the video of the award ceremony was put on top of an existing video. One of the more notable video was Kanye overlapped with one of President Obama's speech. It can be found in the following link:

This meme remained popular for over a year. During the 2012 BET Music Awards when Kanye and Jay Z were receiving an award, Jay Z alluded to Kanye's incident with Taylor Swift. At that time, the entire audience as well as public still vividly remembered the event.

There is a Tumblr site dedicated to these memes.
Edward Zhao: 

The meme I have chosen is none other than Scumbag Steve. According to Google Trends, the meme exploded onto the Web early in 2011 and has been a mainstay ever since. The original picture was that of a man named Blake Boston, who was 16 at the time. Also known as "Weezy B", the picture was to be used for his rap group's album. Little did he know that he would become the poster child of anything and everything sleazy. For instance,
Since the advent of Scumbag Steve as a meme, various forks of the meme have appeared. For example, the iconic hat that he wears is often photoshopped onto other people, animals, objects, etc. that act like a scumbag such as in this example,

The second popular branch of the Scumbag Steve meme is the scumbag brain meme, where people have a picture of a brain, and blame it on things such as insomnia, anxiety, and what not, as in this case,
Finally, the last significant branch of the meme is the ever so popular scumbag Stacy meme, which is used to describe vile acts by woman, often former significant others. One example of the scumbag Stacy meme is

Ultimately, at some point in everyone's lives, we meet and have to deal with people who are inconsiderate, immoral, or worse of all inhumane. The staying power of the Scumbag Steve meme as well as its variations, even after all these years on the Internet, is a testament to this commonality that we all share.
Patrick Yu:
For this assignment, I will use the all your base belong to us meme. The meme started as part of a cutscene of the Japanese video game Zero Wing’s European Sega Mega Drive version. The meme is a making fun of the poor translation that occurred.

The cutscenes were originally posted in 1998 to the Rage Games Forums, but gained massive online popularity in 2000 after posted “Zero Wing Dub Project”, a response video that dubbed a voice over the cutscenes, and the SomethingAwful message board began photoshoping the cutscenes.

Slowly, “all your base are belong to us” gained more recognition before Bad_CRC of Tribal War created a music video using the cutscenes which ended up on a Wired article. Soon, “all your base are belong to us” was mentioned in the the San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian, Memepool and Metafilter along with USA Today.

It even hit a Chicago Fox News station.

Nowadays, “all your base are belong to us” has lost some of it’s notoriety, however, it will always be remember as one of the biggest meme’s of the “Engrish” category. “Engrish” is used to describe poor translations into English. It makes fun of how in most Asian languages, the “l” sound does not exist and is often replaced with the “r” sound.

Tiffany Sam: 

Internet Meme

For this assignment, I chose to report on the “Ridiculously Photogenic Guy” meme. This meme originates from a photo that was taken of Zeddie Little during a marathon run in South Carolina in April of 2012. After a friend commented on how photogenic Little was in this photo, the meme began to make appearances on social media sites such as Reddit, Tumblr, and imgur as users contributed their own captions and edits.

The photo usually features Little cropped from the rest of the runners. He sported a dark purple shirt and was smiling straight at the camera despite the fact that he was running a marathon.

As his online popularity grew, he was even brought onto “Good Morning America” for an interview segment: Despite his widespread popularity, he was not expecting anything like this to happen and generally was a very quiet person.

While a myriad of memes are utilized to mock or present negative stereotype characteristics of certain groups of people, “Ridiculously Photogenic Guy” is unique in that not only are the captions mostly about him individually, they generally reflect positive comments. Typically, these are relevant to his physical looks, but often they can be silly statements regarding photogenetic people in general.